Lauren’s “Happy Story”

One particular evening, in early September 2006, I had followed an intuitive nudge to call my grandmother. As we were concluding our conversation, my grandmother offered that she had one question for me:

“Are you happy, Lauren?”

I froze. I had never really thought about or asked myself that question. “Umm hmm” was the best I could ‘convincingly’ hum in response. “Good,” she promptly acknowledged, “because being happy is the most important thing!” Those would be my grandmother’s very wise last-spoken words to me as she made her transition into the spiritual realm on September 12, 2006.

Focused on my Future, I had been on a mission to earn my various law degrees. I did value my education, but I was neither checking in with myself nor mindful about how I was feeling in my busy day-to-day life. I was living so much of my day outside of myself. Always in a rush, I had not really been Present.

My grandmother’s simple yet profound question, “Are you Happy?” got me to look at my life and priorities from a different perspective. I embarked on an inner journey of exploration and discovery which has consisted of many stages and much practice over the years.

This was clearly the catalyst for my Wellness method, Law of Happy, which I’m so excited to share.  I have a passion for learning and teaching creative techniques that individuals can apply to access the Happiness / Empowerment / Peace / Well-being that reside within each of us. 

Lauren Tatner photo